The following terms apply to this HIPAA Marketing and Data Sharing Consent: Health and Member Information:
The information collected by Attane Health about you with respect to your enrollment with Attane Health and the information collected about you throughout the course of the provision of services to you by Attane Health and its business partners. Such information may include your name, address, membership information with UnitedHealthcare, selection of services, gender, race, ethnicity, health status, and/or health history.
De-identification/De-identifying: The process of removing certain identifiable information (such as your name and address) from your personal health information.
By completing your enrollment with Attane Health, you consent to the use and/or disclosure of all Health and Member Information for engagement and other business purposes, as further described in this consent.
In accordance with Attane Health’s Privacy Policy and applicable law, by completing your enrollment in this program, certain Health and Member Information may be shared with UnitedHealth Group and its subsidiaries, as well as certain other third parties.
Attane may share either Health and Member Information, or De-identified information about you. Health and Member Information is shared in order to (a) deliver the services you request from Attane, (b) assist with Attane Health’s program improvement efforts, (c) facilitate business operations for Attane Health and/or UnitedHealth Group and its subsidiaries, such as UnitedHealthcare, or (c) for engagement purposes.
This consent may be revoked at any time by email to You may revoke this consent at any time by contacting Attane Health. Note that if this consent is revoked, your participation in this program may be ended at Attane Health’s and/or UnitedHealthcare’s discretion.